IELTS Speaking Coaching Classes

  • Organized on a day other than the day of the main exam (i.e. Listening, Reading and Writing are arranged on one day).
  • 11-14 minutes time
  • Three parts.

Part 1

  • 4-5 minutes
  • Introduction and interview
  • Examiner first introduces himself/herself and asks questions about familiar topics to the candidate.

Part 2

  • 3-4 minutes
  • Individual long turn
  • Candidate gets a Cue card with a topic on which he / she has to speak for 1-2 minutes and he /she gets one-minute time to prepare for the topic before he / she starts to speak. Examiner also asks one or two follow-up questions when the candidate stops speaking.

Part 3

  • 4-5 minutes Extended discourse
  • Examiner asks questions that are thematically linked to the topic in part 2 and the questions are more of abstract nature.